>Women Who Should Be Spankers – Suzi Perry


Suzi Perry

I used to ride a motorbike, I was rubbish on it, fellow bikers where ashamed to ride with me and the day the bike was sold other road user cried with joy and threw parties. So there is no two ways about it I deserve a good thrashing for bringing shame to the biker community, two dozen strokes with a heavy rattan cane trousers down “Cassie Hunter style” and Suzi Perry is just the right biker to deliver the sentence.
Ms Perry was born in Shropshire, England. After completing her studies in business and finance she took up modeling in the UK and Japan. Among her other TV presenter appearances Ms Perry has Treasure Hunt, The Gadget Show and many sporting events but she is best known for presenting motorcycle sports programs. According to Wikipedia Ms Perry is the worlds first female motorbike racing presenter and is a keen biker herself.


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