Known by several names, depending on what she is doing, this performer is best known to us Spanko folks as Amelia Jane Rutherford. A name that was influenced by a character created by Enid Blyton

Ms Rutherford must have one of the longest running careers as a performer, in spanking video production, as well as in her other modelling and performing genres

She has shot with every spanking video production company, in the UK, that I know of and has also performed in productions for many companies in the USA

The fact that she is a trained and experienced actor does show through in her on-screen presence

I cannot think of a spanking implement that I have not seen applied to her very fetching bottom

Under her other names, Ariel Anderson and Joceline Brook Hamilton, she also shoots BDSM, Bondage, Glamour and Clothing stills and videos

But of course, most people visiting here will love her for her work in the spanking industry

She is probably the one of the UK’s most in demand, kinky models and it is easy to see why

And she does not seem shy about trying new things, within reason

She lives in Wales, with her photographer husband, Hywel Phillips, who’s work you can get an idea of through the following link


Ms Rutherford has her own YouTube channel. This channel has many videos that tell of her life, both working and in general and it has some very interesting videos to search through and watch. You can see her videos through the next link


Under the name Ariel Anderson, Ms Rutherford will, hopefully, soon be presenting the world with a book about her life. Let us hope that the book is as interesting as the person that it is about


15 responses

  1. I definitely like that quirky montage (#5) best.

  2. You give ‘continuing education’ a whole new meaning Prefectdt… at least as far as my ‘continuing education’ goes.

    A lot of the pics show pretty serious marks on her ass….. I AM impressed!
    loved #13 made me smile – obviously that spanking wasn’t too challenging 🙂

    • She can very often be seen taking a hard whupping, morningstar. Especially in her work with Firm Hand.

      I think that wheelbarrow, limits the swing of the spanker somewhat. I still want to try that myself though, just to find out what it is like


  3. Sounds like quite the career. Easy to see why she is popular. Love the last one. The book should definitely be interesting.


  4. I really enjoyed this post. She is very versatile, and truly reminds us that these are paid performers. Working under other names for other kink is quite illuminating.
    bottoms up

  5. Loved her the first time I ever saw her!!

    Physically – tall, blonde, slender, with small boobs – she was every girl I ever fell in love with going back to H.S. That she has a great tush and loves spanking – I’d have married her!

  6. I didn’t know for the Enid Blyton detail … Wow ! that’s enlightening … Thank you Prefectdt.